
Evelyn's 2nd Birthday

 Two years passes so fast. Gratitude and sadness. I am so grateful that we are able to be here for her birthday and sadness knowing that they live so far away and this visit will be so very short. Lydia and Chaiya made this pinata for Evelyn and she wanted to be the only one allowed to hit it. There were many family members and friends to wish her a happy day.

Thanks to Grandpa, Evie could get close enough to blow them out but not too close. Chaiya made a special no-carb cheesecake that was pretty tasty.

 Seriously, how many toys does one little girl need? The benefit of being the only grandchild on every side is that she will never miss out on anything she wants. We gifted her a simple xylophone and some wooden puzzles.

 Thayne has been wanting to go to Peter Piper Pizza since we got here. He has memories that it was some kind of amazing place. So we all headed there for dinner. We treated Evie to a ice cream as her night time birthday treat. Being Grandparents is the best. Happy Birthday to our sweet Evelyn. We are so happy you were born into our family!

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